Thursday 9 May 2013

printing the style guide

The design of the style guide was an extremely lengthy and time consuming process. I have not documented the creation of every page because I think that the style guide is pretty self explanatory. I have had a nightmare trying to print this book. It took 5 hours with the university printer to get the colours printing correctly. However, I think the final product was worth the time and effort. I am very proud of it, I think it is a very substantial document.

The cover has been printed onto 300 gsm card that is the same white colour as the pages. This is a substantial cover that feels nice to touch. I kept the design of the front extremely simple and minimal, only showing the logotype. 

Inside the first double page spread I inserted a transparent overlay that shows the grid that I used to construct the whole of the typography workshop document. It was extremely difficult to line this up with the coloured grid! 

Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of this project. I think that I have been extremely thorough in my explanation of the style guide, and I think that it is a very usable item that designers could actually follow. I am particularly interested in corporate design so I think that it is great that I have this project in my portfolio. I have really enjoyed every part of the process.