Tuesday 26 March 2013

Image and Layout

Here I am experimenting with the use of image in my compositions. I am going to be designing posters to advertise guest lecturers in to give masterclasses about typography. Here, I have taken an image of Sagmeister. If it is going to be applicable to various sizes of documents, then I need a way of maintaining image quality. Therefore, I have half-toned this image. This way, no matter how the image is scaled I will get a crisp, unpixilated image. 

Above I am experimenting with an image of Wim Crouwel. I am using my square grid structure with gutter to edit the image. I have removed sections of the image and also created coloured areas which affect the background of the image and change the hues. I think that this idea has foundations to be something really interesting. I am not sure about the use of colour behind the image as the colours become muted and washed out, but I do like the idea of using the grid to alter the image. I want to use the grid in a way that shows the use of the grid throughout my designs for Typography Workshop litereature. 

I am starting to experiment with A4 literature and how I could combine image and logo placement.  I much prefer the edit of this image. The coloured modules and gutter sit on top of the image, and I have also used the grid and gutter to remove sections of the image. I am currently working on logotype positioning for A4 literature. 

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