Thursday 28 March 2013

The type

The baseline grid-

I have opted for a 2mm baseline grid. This is a small baseline grid and a round number. Now, when I come to experimenting with line spacing of the font, I can use whole numbers and all type sizes can relate directly to the baseline grid.

The baseline grid relates directly to the modules of the grid system. It should start at the top margin. There are 7 baseline lines per module of grid. I did experiment with having 4mm baseline grid and 3mm, but the whole baseline grid did not correspond very well to the 14mm modules and 4mm gutter. 

Type on the baseline grid

experiments with line spacing for each font size:

8 point type face with 4mm leading. This is a nicely spaced 8 point font. I am working in multiples of 2mm in the line spacing, so I will also try the 8 point type with 6mm line spacing. 

6mm line spacing. This is too large but I am happy with the 4mm line spacing for this type weight. 

12 point type size with 8mm line spacing. The line spacing here does not look right or balanced, The line spacing is too much. I am going to try 6mm. 

6mm line spacing is a lot better. The spacing is slightly more than auto and gives the font a lighter feel. Also, it looks well balanced and aesthetically pleasing, it is easy to read and understand and does not look awkward. 

16 point font with 6mm leading. 

16 point font with 10 mm leading 

16 point font with 8mm leading 

16 point font with 8mm leading looks like the right distance for line spacing. 6mm is too condensed and also the same as my 12 point type face. 8mm and the line spacing is too great and the lines become disjointed and awkward to look at. It is not easy to read. 

thirty point font with 10mm leading 

thirty point font with 12mm leading 

30 point font with 14mm leading 

After looking at these experiments, 30 point font with 12mm leading looks the most aesthetically pleasing and balanced. Also, it is the leading size that is most consistant with my other type sizes. 

Sixty point font with 16mm leading 

sixty point font with 22mm leading 

sixty point font with 24mm leading

Sixty point font with 16mm leading definately isnt enough distance between each line. the descender and  aesender intersect. It was a difficult choice between 22mm leading and 24 mm leading because there is so little visual difference between the two, but I have decided on the slightly heavier leading of 24mm because this is double the value of the 30 point font leading so is the most consistant with my other type sizes. 

To conclude, there are 5 possible type sizes for my typography workshop design. They are:
8 point font with 4mm leading 
12 point font with 6mm leading
16 point font with 8mm leading 
30 point size with 12 mm leading 
60 point font with 24mm leading 

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