Wednesday 27 March 2013

Initial Development of A4 literature

I am currently working on development of my A4 literature. Currently, I am experimenting with a 12 by 16 grid. I am using one column and one gutter as a margin and the gutter width is 4mm. I am experimenting here with balance and size of font in my compositions. 

These are ideas for A4 literature for heavy text documents that would come in the form of a booklet/handout. I quite like the idea of having an a4 handout. It is more substantial to hold and layout can be more complex within my system. I am using ISO paper sizes. This is due to my research with one of the designers suggesting that it is a waste of resources to have odd shaped paper. It is more efficient and cost effective to use ISO paper and so this is how I will determine my format size of literature. 

I am experimenting above with logotype positioning and plcaement of text. It is 22 point font and 14 point font. I have not determined font sizes and line spacing yet. I want to experiment with possible compositions first. I am only allowing the use of one weight of the helvetica neue typeface. That is 65 medium. This is because I feel that you can do everything with one weight of font providing you allow for different type sizes. It will allow for cleaner design. Above I am working on an aesemetric, balanced layout. I quite like the idea of creating two columns of information, one with the image and the left for the text. The fact that the left column runs occasionally into the right column aids balance. 

After much experimentation with gutter sizes and module sizes and margins, I have decided upon a module size and gutter size that will be consistant across all a4 literature. The module size will be 14mm  in width and the gutter will be 4 mm in width. The gutter therefore is 3.5 times the modules. This is quite a rounded number and should make it easier to design with. I will now calculate the margins for this document. In A4 literature, I have 14 rows and 10 columns, so I need to take this into consideration when calculating margins. 

My final margin calculation:

paper size- 210x297mm

for the columns-

10 modules at 14mm = 140mm
9 gutters at 4mm = 36mm
140+36 = 176 mm
210 - 176 = 34mm 
34mm/2 = 17mm
so my inside and outside margin is 17mm on A4 literature

for the rows-

14 modules at 14mm = 196mm
13 gutters at 4mm = 52mm
196 + 52 = 248mm
297 - 248 = 49mm
49mm/2 = 24.5 mm

so my top and bottom margin is 24.5mm. 

Now that I have my final A4 literature grid I can start designing final layouts of A4 literature. I can also calculate my baseline grid and how type will relate to this baseline grid. 

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