Friday 19 April 2013

Development of A6 literature

I have decided that I am going to develop A6 sized literature. This will be a hand out with information displayed on the front and the back. I think it is the perfect size for a handout. It is small and can easily be folded and put into a pocket. Also, it can be printed in mass with very low cost. I am going to calculate the margins for this paper size. I want the modules and the gutter to be the same as in A4 and A6 literature. Therefore, the grid for A6 literature is going to be really simple.

For an a6 document format:

Paper size- 148mm x 105mm

To calculate the number of columns I am going to divide the width of the document by the total width of one gutter and one margin.

105mm / 18mm = 5.83

So if we round this figure down and say that we have 5 columns.

For the module width-
5 x 14 = 70mm

For the gutter width-
4 x 4 = 16mm

16 + 70 = 86mm

105 - 86 = 19mm
19mm/2 = 9.5mm

So the left and right margin is 9.5mm

To calculate the number of rows I am going to divide the height of the A6 literature by the sum of the gutter and module width. So:

148mm / 18mm = 8.22

So if we round this figure down and suggest that we have 7 rows

The modules:
7 x 14 = 98mm

The gutter:
6 x 4 = 24mm

24 mm+ 98mm = 122mm

148mm - 122mm= 26mm

26 / 2 = 13 mm

13 mm seems like a fair amount of space for a top and bottom margin on a document that is 148mm in height.

So on an a6 document, we have 5 columns and 7 rows, with 9.5mm left and right margin and a 13 mm margin top and bottom.

Now I am going to see how this looks as a grid in an A6 document:

I am happy with this grid size. Although the grid is very simple, I still feel it gives enough options for text placement and placement of logotype. I will most probably be using 8 point type which means that my column width for text will be across fewer modules than in A4 or A2 literature. 

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