Thursday 25 April 2013

New concept for A4 literature

To keep the design process of the A4 literature consistent with the process of A2 and A6 literature, I am going to construct the coloured patterns that the designer must construct before commencing with design. Similarly to A2 literature, I am going to design a range of 6 different coloured patterns. 5 of those will be predominantly one of the pantone colours and these will be used if a series of A4 literature is required to be created, and one coloured pattern which will consist of all of the pantone colours in equal amounts for general information. These are those cosntructed grids:

Now I am going to use these coloured grids to create a set of A4 posters as examples of how to design A4 literature following the styleguide that I am going to create. 

When I come to design my style guide, I will state that text must be placed on the A4 literature and then the designer has free reign over the choice of areas of coloured grid to remove. Ultimately, a balanced composition is required. I quite like the way that I have created a band here for the type, it is rather similar to my A2 literature design. 

This utalises 30 point type for the text. I really like the layout, I think that I have broken up sections of the text well. There is a lot of text here, I am wanting to show an example of how large amounts of text can be displayed on A4 litearature. I also like the way that the two sections of type have been broken, and the lower section of type starts in two modules to the right of the higher section of type. I will describe in my style guide how to use type. I will suggest that the amount of words that should be displayed per line and the way that heavy amounts of text should be broken up. 

This is an example of where the logotype can be displayed in A4 literature. I have started here to think about the actual style guide. I have created a grid that is easy to follow and interpret. Then, the designer can accurately place the logotype on the A4 literature. 

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