Wednesday 10 April 2013

the pantone grids A2

These are my five pantone grids. They also illustrate the pantone that I have used, though this is just for the purpose of demonstrating the pantone which appears more frequently and would not be seen in final designs. My idea is that the designer creates one of these coloured patterns before he places his image, text box areas, type and logo. I think they have worked really well. Although they all use the whole pantone range, You can clearly see that one pantone appears more frequently than the other. I think that I also need a general pantone coloured pattern for use when there is no need for a series of posters to be produced and all of the information is on one poster. 

This is the general grid. I really love the intricacy of it. Throughout all of these I have made sure that when a module and a gutter that are next to each other are coloured that they are different colours. I am now going to try and use these six coloured pantones to create six posters. The posters will be created as if they are a set. They will contain information about masterclasses with famous typographers who I admire. It will be my dream typography masterclass series. I will also include varying amounts of information to show possibilities of type layout within my system. 

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