Friday 12 April 2013

Final set of A2 posters ?

These are 5 poster designs that use the 5 pantone grids. I think they work really well as a set. I think though that the set needs varying font sizes and varying amounts of information. If they are to be displayed next to each other, which I think could look rather impressive, then varied font sizes will give them more of a dynamic presence. Otherwise, it is the same layout and presentation on each poster which may get tiresome to the viewer. 
Also, I need to watch kerning between some of the letters. This is something that I will edit later when I have come up with a finalised set of posters. I have heavily kerned the date on some of these posters because I thought that it would create a lighter overall feel to the type but I really do not like this, it is not consistant with other type on the poster and it generally looks awkward. 

Also, I am really specifically outlining the way that A2 literature is produced, but I do not think that there is enough choice for the designer at the moment. I think I need to think about another positioning for type and another image size for A2 literature design. 

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