Saturday 6 April 2013

new A2 grid

My grid across all Typography Workshop literature is now strictly composed of a 4mm gutter and a 14mm column width.
The size of an a2 piece of paper is 594 x 420
in total, the width of the column and gutter is 18mm, so if i divide the width of an a2 paper, 420 mm/ 18 I get  23.3

So If I had a grid that was 22 columns in width

The modules-
22 x 14 = 308mm

The gutter-
21 x 4 = 84mm

308 + 84 = 392mm
420/392mm = 28mm
This is going to give to small a margin of 14mm left and right which I do not think is large enough on A2 format.
Therefore, I am going to try the calculations again with 21 columns.

For the modules-

21 x 14 = 294mm

For the gutter-
20 x 4 = 80mm

294 + 80 = 374mm

420 - 374 = 46mm

So, we have a left and right margin of 23mm which I feel is a lot more adequate and will allow me to create compositions that are much more balanced and less awkward to look at.

For the rows, we have 594 mm to play with

594/18mm = 33

So if we have 30 rows

The modules-
30 x 14 = 420mm

The gutter-
29 x 4 = 116mm

420 + 116 = 536mm

594 - 536 = 58mmm

58 / 2 = 29mm

So for an a2 grid, we have 21 columns and 30 rows, a left and right margin of 23mm and a top and bottom margin of 29mm.

Lets see what this looks like.

This is much better as an A2 grid to work too. It is far more complex and should allow me to create far more interesting designs for A2 literature. Now I am going to use this grid to experiment with possible design solutions to illustrate the information about the Typography Workshop. 

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